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Enhance team effectiveness by grasping the fundamentals of personality.


In this webinar, Evolve Founder and Managing Partner Jill Barrett and Evolve Affiliate Coach and Facilitator Aïcha Doucouré discuss how the Enneagram can enhance team effectiveness.


A team goes through recognizable stages as it becomes an integrated group. The early stages can last for a while as people get to know each other and develop trust. In later stages, the team must overcome challenges—both internal and external—to continue to perform well.

The Enneagram provides a system for helping teams form or change shape. It identifies nine personality types, each with its own way of perceiving, processing and responding to relationships and work situations, while mapping different aspects of a personality that are likely to come forward under stressful or healthy conditions in the workplace.

Evolve’s Enneagram for Teams sessions create a safe, welcoming place for people to share and grow in self- and team-awareness so that the team can function with more power and less friction. Session are a mix of presentation, self-reflection and team engagement activities.

evolve’s Team Enneagram Sessions help teams grow by:

  • Deepening the personal agency of individual team members

  • Developing understanding and empathy for different personalities on your team

  • Revealing and working with potential friction and synergies within and outside of the team

  • Expanding the use of systems thinking to create your team’s future

  • Fostering a culture of learning

Team enneagram sessions INCLUDE:

  • Introduction to the Enneagram presentation

  • Self-reflection activities around personal leadership style

  • Team engagement activities around effective communication

  • Opportunities for 1:1 coaching moments

  • Inspirational workbook

We also offer session options that are custom designed to meet your specific needs.